Friday, June 11, 2010



既然能在一个post180+ comments


既然能被我们三个长篇大论到酱子 ~~~



1. owez fooled by me (章鱼每次欺负我)

2. owez show 8 teeth when kena bully( 那是章鱼画的蘑菇)

3. owez not dare 2 play til mad(say wan image==) (不顾形象,会吓走男生的)

4. act cool(我没装啊,我本来就很酷啊!)

5. ppl tot she is fierce(but not include me)(我本来就很凶啊!)

6. wash clothes in slow motion(lk turtle sayang clothes) (不然洗不干净,弄坏衣服)

7. like red color (我现在喜欢紫色)

8. impatient (赞同!我市超级没耐性)

9. like 热闹(wan go out wit ppl although not play mad)

10. like pingpong

11. cant tahan 夸张thg (本来就不能接受)

12. owez cry~~~~~~~~~~in matric (我只有开始—结束哭罢了)

13. scare to be alone(还好啦~今年也是很常一个人在房啊~)

14. easy 移情别(超级赞同...我很花心的...)

15. 3分钟热度than me(see her blog oso kno~owez said lazy write)

16. owez no idea about gathering@@

17. eating is her life, but still thinkin of keep fit (民以食为天嘛~)

18. sumtimes wil suddenly say gud nite to her friends (关心别人嘛!)
scare hot, so got fan or 扇子wif her (扇子是我的镇宅之宝啊!)

20. like ppl to call her mother
21. 自虐?!! (哪里有自虐哦?)

22. 好胜心强 (要拼才会赢!)
23. lazy but veri clever

24. wan her husband or bf hebat than her (每个人都希望另一半比较强的啦!)

25. vy care bout fren~

26. rich but owez say no money~ (钱是我父母的,不是我的~)

27. wish 2 go out but dunwan plan

28. so easy getting touch

29. wan ppl care more about her (不喜欢被忽略的感觉)

30. although body veri big, but her palm veri small~ (无聊~哪里会?)

31. like small small and cute cute thing~

32. no energy 1~~~haha i stonger than her if fight with her (是你太有力啦)

33. veri 健忘!! (老了~很容易忘记发生过的事~)